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Our accredited Enterprise Coaching Academy (ECA) Student Edition was specifically designed for use with Higher Education (HE) Students both at UG/PG level.

ECA Duration

Full Time/Intensive




180 Hours

The Accreditations

The Accreditations

The Enterprise Coaching Academy (ECA) is one of only a few courses on offer worldwide to combine in-depth business coaching and start-up skills in one unique package. Moreover, we are accredited by the International Association for Professional Coaching & Mentoring (IAPC&M) and in the process of gaining accreditation status with the EMCC. This will ensure credibility and confidence, and allow us to provide a trusted space both for personal development, and for practical, focused, impactful training.

The Core Value

Effective communication, contextual empathy, understanding diversity and inclusion training, leadership, critical thinking, strategic management and problem-solving.

What are the top 10 job skills for the future? | World Economic Forum (

We Specialise In

What Makes This Different

At AEE, we are focused on providing a unique accredited pathway for students as well as helping them leverage the skills and strategies gained during out programs in university and in life. 

The Enterprise Coaching Academy

Over the course of the taught ECA pathway, students will be exposed to a rich combination of specialist fields and areas of study including psychology, neurology, management, leadership, cultural empathy, and diversity. Gain the opportunity to critically reflect on their own journey of self-exploration, while using practical insights, tools, and frameworks to lead founders and their teams through times of transition and change.

Key Outcomes

What You’ll Get


Former Student's Thoughts

I really enjoyed the learning sessions, I think you made it a really safe environment for us all to just chat. We've all been online, we've not actually met anyone in person, and this was the most interactive and fun class any of us have done in a really long time, so thank you!

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Ella Lawry MDP3, Strathclyde University

I enjoyed the process, I thought it was a good course. I heard a couple of the other members say that it has helped them reshape the way they think about conversations and how they act as part of them. I thought it was really beneficial and I did enjoy the process.

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David Metcalf MDP 3, Strathclyde University

I enjoyed it more than I thought I would to be honest with you, without stroking too many egos. I came into thinking I wasn't going to get anything from the course and check a box and I've maybe got more from it than I wanted to, and maybe I'm annoyed at that I don't know. As I say, gritting my teeth. Very interesting, very interesting, the sessions were good!

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David McRobbie MDP3, Strathclyde University

Programme Director

The ECA was designed to solve a key trust issue in the coaching sector. In an industry saturated with misinformation and un-regulated coaching providers, the ECA was developed to provide a safe trusted space to study business coaching the SMART way. As an academic in entrepreneurship and an accredited ICF PCC Coach, Dr McFarlane has spent over 15 years developing higher education programs for students all over the world. During that time, she has witnessed the need, for a more practical approach to coaching business executives, one that still benefits from the research of leading academics.

Dr Julie McFarlane

Director of Learning,
Academy of Enterprise Education

Course Enquiry

Course Enquiry

To enquire about Enterprise Coaching Academy please fill out the form and one of
our course advisors will be in contact.

The Accreditations

Getting Certified

The ECA Full Time/Intensive Pathways include independent study hours, group coaching, peer sessions, ten hours of mentor coaching with written feedback, and a number of practical performance evaluation assessments. ECA students will be assessed in the development of skills through both formative virtual classroom-based work and summative assessment in the form of a final portfolio. Students who complete the program will be recognised as Professional Enterprise Coaches and will also meet the training hours necessary to apply for a coaching credential through the International Association of Coaching & Mentoring (IAPC&M).

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Course Request

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